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Financial Gaps & Opportunities in Seeking Citizenship

New data reveals insights into immigrant naturalization delays—and they are not what you think.

9 million immigrants are eligible for US citizenship, yet 91% do not proceed with their applications. Why?  

A look into our top findings: 

  • 88% of noncitizen respondents "extremely/very interested" in becoming a US citizen. 
  • Top two challenges among all respondents: length of application process and citizenship application fees. 
  • 87% of recently naturalized citizens borrowed funds to pay for their citizenship fees.
  • 97% of noncitizens said they would consider borrowing.

One Percent for America is a non-profit with the sole mission of helping more immigrants become US citizens. 

Unprecedented Survey of Immigrants in the US
National blind survey of more than 1,200 immigrants in the United States gets to the root of why immigrants seeking US citizenship often stop short of fulfilling their American dream. Click below to instantly download the free report.